Welcome to my web site. I was blessed to have a dad that took me with him to the pristine wilds of Northern Saskatchewan, Canada, in the 7th grade on my first fly-in fishing adventure. I've always thought this was a very formative event in my life to make me truly appreciate all that is wild.
Behind the camera, I've always tried to capture my passion for the outdoors from the days of film to todays digital images. In trying to perfect my craft, I have had the privilege of attending workshops with many of the best professional's on the planet, including the great landscape photographer John Shaw, the incredible bird photographer Arthur Morris, the Arctic Expert Daniel Cox, and Charles "Chas" Glatzer, the top pro I have ever been in the field with. Knowledge gained from their lifetime in the field is inspirational, to say the least.
The images on this site are a collection of shots from the Upper Midwest, Canada, Alaska, The Arctic, Svalbard, Norway, and recently, The Great Bear Rainforest of Beautiful British Columbia, Canada, in search of the fabled "Spirit Bear." I view it as a work in progress with more places to visit and more subjects to capture than I can do in a lifetime. Every session in the field, I try to capture something more unique than on a previous photo shoot. Hint for viewing shots, after selecting a folder, select "slideshow" icon in the upper right-hand side of the folder to view the image full-size on your monitor. If at some point you wish to buy a print or canvas wrap or metal print of an image, the process is done at Mpix Labs, the finest color lab in the US. Their work is outstanding!
I hope you enjoy the images and tell others about them and let me know what you think of them. Thanks, Bruce Faanes